Education Fellows Meta Service (22,8 MB)
Live at Education Meta Web-Service is intended to abstract from several technologies that are included in Live@edu set of services. This web-service helps to build platform independent applications that utilize SOAP-requests to LAEMWS.

Live@Edu and Office 365 Exchange Online Library (802 kB)
Live@Edu and Office 365 ExchangeOnline Library is an Abstraction Layer in order to manage and get mail from Exchange Online.

EWSEditor (132,3 MB)
This is a large sample which uses and demonstrates the usage of the EWS Managed API and raw EWS calls. Harvest the source or use to troubleshoot EWS issues.

SOAPe (7,6 MB)
Application that allows testing of SOAP implementations, in particular Exchange Web Services.

UCMA 3.0 REST Sample

Server code to expose Lync features to the web by wrapping UCMA 3.0,Managed Exchange webservice and Directory services. Windows Phone 7 Push Notification is integrated as well